As Principal of Oakwood Specialist College, I am delighted to welcome you in finding out more about this very special place. Oakwood is a Specialist College where young people achieve amazing things, supported by a team of dedicated, caring and committed staff.
We celebrate the diversity of every individual in our college community and work hard to ensure that learners enjoy a blend of happy, creative
and positive learning opportunities and achieve stretching targets that enable them to progress on to their next steps after College.
Preparing for the next steps is really what college life is all about, and our varied curriculum and fantastic enrichment opportunities are designed to ensure that everyone realises their potential. We are proud of our excellent opportunities for work experience which are a key feature of study programmes, and of the progress our learners make through the Duke of Edinburgh awards scheme – all firmly focused on personal development and empowerment.
I am particularly proud of our therapeutically informed approach to learning, using strategies across the college, complemented by specialist input from our excellent multi-disciplinary team including Speech and Language Therapy and Counselling. You cannot fail to feel the energy, positivity and warmth when you arrive at Oakwood so I would encourage you to come and visit us, and I hope that you choose to make our college, your college.
Esther Williams
College Principal
At Oakwood we provide a rich curriculum that is focused on preparing our learners for adulthood right from the start. We work with learners, their families and other professionals to understand each young person’s aspirations and use this information to design individualised learning programmes that help them to build the skills, knowledge and behaviours that they need to achieve their goals.
We offer study programmes that are built around the targets that are set within each learners, Education, Health and Care Plans, and also provide opportunities for them to:
- develop learners skills in maths and English
- complete a personal growth programme that includes relationships and sex education
- enjoy enrichment opportunities and take part in health and well-being activities
- develop our learner’s work skills and take part in work experience.
Our aim is to support learners to progress in to living with greater independence, moving in to paid or unpaid work, or moving on to further education such as in a general further education College.
Each learner that comes to Oakwood is different, and so is their journey. We recognise and celebrate this by ensuring that each study programmes is individualised and supports learners to reach their individual goals.

Learners and their families and carers are encouraged to come and visit us at Oakwood at any point during their secondary education, or if considering a move during post 16, to get a feel for what we have to offer. Our admissions team are always on hand to answer any questions you may have and to talk honestly and openly about the college's suitability.
Oakwood is an independent specialist College which means that the fees are funded in part by the local authority where the young person lives. To be funded for a placement at Oakwood, the local authority should be in agreement as to the suitability of the placement and agree to provide the funding.
Your SEND Casework Officer will collect additional information/consult with local providers and take your application to a funding panel for a decision. The placement at Oakwood College is only agreed once the EHCP is finalised naming Oakwood College as the onward school/college.
If you are interested in a place at Oakwood you should speak to a member of the 0-25 team to discuss the move. We are happy to attend transition meetings and annual reviews, if we are invited, to explore the suitability of a placement together. If it is agreed that Oakwood is a suitable placement then the local authority will send a consultation to us, which we will respond to outlining the programme we can offer.
Oakwood Specialist College is for people between the ages of 16 – 25 with an EHCP, who have a range of special educational needs and disabilities, particularly those with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and difficulties in the areas of communication and emotional regulation.
At Oakwood, we provide a specialist learning environment where learners can experience positive learning opportunities that will enable them to develop their full social, emotional, academic and physical potential. Our learners study a range of exciting learning programmes whilst also developing their feelings of self -worth, building positive relationships and developing their life and social skills in order that they will become happy, confident and valued members of society.
What we offer:
- We are a specialist provision and as such we create bespoke learning programmes for individual learners with a range of special education needs and disabilities.
- We provide a therapeutically informed curriculum and have access to an in house therapy team including speech and language therapy and psychological services.
- We use restorative approaches in order to help learners understand their place in the world and help them to develop the skills and mental agility they need in order to forge positive relationships, cope with conflict and rebuild friendships if problems arise.
- Learners take part in small group teaching with LSA support.
- Learners access 1:1 and small group intervention work and transitional support to help them to grow and develop.
- Learner progress is reviewed systematically and regularly, and parents and carers are provided with regular reports and invited to attend meetings to agree targets and discuss progress.
- Learners take part in weekly enrichment and Self Esteem building activities such as Duke of Edinburgh, drama, art and physical wellbeing.
- For those learners that would benefit from examinations and accreditation we offer recognised qualifications in Functional Skills and other employability related qualifications.