Careers programme and policy
At Oakwood we have designed a specialist, individualised curriculum that is highly aspirational for all students.
At Oakwood Specialist College we use the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks and the Statutory guidance:
Careers guidance and access for education and training providers as a foundation when
planning our Careers programme. The effectiveness of our provision is reviewed by the
Devon, Torbay & Plymouth Careers Hub using the Compass evaluation Tool. This tool is used
by schools and colleges in England to support the analysis and evaluation of careers activity
against the eight benchmarks of best practice. As Career Professionals we also work within
the guidelines of the Career Development Institute’s (CDI) Code of Ethics.
This ensures the development of our careers provision is ongoing. Oakwood Specialist
College are a member of the Devon, Torbay & Plymouth Careers hub and we also work
alongside the Cornwall & isle’s Of Scilly Careers Hub and The West of England Combined
Authority Careers Hub. We will benchmark our College Campuses against the Gatsby
Benchmarks once a term.
In line with the recommendations set out in Gatsby Benchmark 1, we as a college plan to
review the published information on an annual basis, inviting feedback from key audiences
and stakeholders. This including parents/carers, students, employers, partners and teachers.
The careers programme is evaluated every year to assess its efficacy and areas for
improvement. Key stakeholders provide feedback on their participation in activities via
questionnaires, surveys and EHCP reviews throughout the year. We use the evidence
collected to inform continuous improvement of the programme and ensure that learners
therefore have the best possible education experience.